Functional Family Therapy
FFT is an evidence-based treatment program designed to reduce at-risk behavior in adolescents with an 70%-80% effectiveness rate.
FFT is the leading treatment to address adolescent substance use, delinquency, and family system change.
FFT is effective for youth aged 11-18, younger siblings, and their parents/caregivers.
FFT offers specific and individualized interventions for the unique challenges, diverse qualities, and strengths of all family members involved.
Intervention ranges from, on average, 8 -12 one-hour sessions for mild cases and up to 30 sessions for more difficult situations.
Sessions are conducted mainly in the home, at the families’ convenience.
At its core, FFT focuses on assessment of those risk and protective factors that
impact the adolescent and his or her environment.
The ultimate goal with FFT is to strengthen families and reduce further risky or criminal behavior.
FFT is a family focused intervention that is
non-judgmental, bringing warmth and respectfulness to all family members.

How do I Make a Referral?
To make a referral, please reach out to your local county Office of Juvenile Affairs. FFT can be provided as a preventative intervention.
You will have to make a referral to OJA services and request FFT if the adolescent does not have OJA involvement.
For the Juvenile Bureau counties of Comanche, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Canadian, please reach out your local Juvenile Bureau Office.

Benefits of FFT
No cost to families!
Increases adolescents’ likelihood for success at home, school, and in the community.
Reduces recidivism which keeps your child in your home and out of trouble.
Short term program, usually 12-15 sessions.
Families determine when and where to meet, which reduces transportation barriers.
Therapy has a positive impact on family conflict, communication, parenting, and adolescent behavior, bringing families closer together and empowering parents while allowing the adolescent to feel supported.
FFT benefits the whole family to increase positive outcomes for the client and siblings.